For WHO?
Aimed at researchers who want learn data analysis in a statistical package such as SPSS using a questionnaire as research instrument. You must have a licence copy of SPSS if you want to follow the practical hands-on lessons.
To learn how to conduct statistical analyses in the correct manner, questionnaire validation as well as the assumptions of the statistical techniques are discussed.
Do you know how to test validity and reliability of constructs in a questionnaire in a statistical package such as SPSS? Do you know which statistical techniques to use to answer the research questions? Will you be able to test the assumptions of the statistical techniques?
A comprehensive course working with a questionnaire and dataset through all the steps in the data analysis cycle. From the raw dataset through to the analyses and results. Theoretical lessons on the statistical techniques and then practical application in the statistical package SPSS.
Be able to import a raw dataset into SPSS, label it and verify and clean it. Be able to test validity with Exploratory Factor Analysis and reliability with the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. Be able to do exploratory analysis with graphs and tables. Be able to do the following statistical techniques: The Pearson Chi-square test, correlation, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression and One-way ANOVA.
Access to the Facebook group with monthly webinars. All the output from SPSS is provided.